Tools starting with A

Looking for new tools to extend your tool box? The top 100 list of best security tools is a great start.


A2SV is short for Auto Scanning to SSL Vulnerability, a security tool to scan for SSL and TLS vulnerabilities. It can be used during security assessments.


AESKeyFinder is a tool to find 128-bit and 256-bit AES keys in a memory image.

AIL framework

AIL is a framework to analyze potential information leaks from unstructured data sources. For example, this may include data from Pastebin and similar services.

APT2 (apt2)

APT2 is a tool written by Adam Compton and Austin Lane to help pentesters automate mundane scanning tasks. It leverages scan results from Nexpose, Nessus, or Nm


ATSCAN is a security tool to perform a mass exploitation scan on search engines. It discovers targets that may be susceptible to exploitation.


AWSBucketDump is a security tool to find interesting files in AWS S3 buckets that are part of Amazon cloud services.


Acra is a database encryption proxy that provides encryption and data leakage prevention to applications. Read how it works in this review.

Latest release: 0.96.0 [Sept. 9, 2024]

Admin Page Finder (PHP)

Admin Page Finder is a tool written in PHP to find admin sections within a website. It can be used during pentesting and security assessments.


Agafi is short for Advanced Gadget Finder. This security tool helps with finding gadgets in programs, modules, and running processes.


Albatar is an alternative to tools like sqlmap to find and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities. However, this tool focuses on the exploitation side.


Aletheia is a project to manage secrets in Google Cloud with CloudKMS and Cloud Storage. It can be used to store sensitive data like authentication details.

Algo VPN

Algo VPN is a set of Ansible scripts to configure a personal VPN using IPSEC. Read the review and see how it works.

Anchore Engine

Anchore is a toolkit to perform in-depth container analysis, inspection, and controlling them. Among security scanning, it can do a wide range of functions.


Anti-DDOS is an open source software project developed to protect against DDoS attacks. The project consists of a shell script to set up iptables for traffic filtering. Additionally, it will configure kernel parameters to better withstand lots of network traffic.


Web Application Security Scanner aimed towards helping users evaluate the security of web applications


Archery is a Django-based application to perform vulnerability assessments and do vulnerability management.

Latest release: 2.0.6 [May 31, 2024]


ArpON is a host-based tool to improve the security of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).


Arpoison is a small utility to send custom ARP packets. It can be used during security assessments and pentests.


Assimilator is a firewall orchestration tool. It allows configuration and automation of firewall rules by proxy requests to different types of firewalls.

AutoNessus (autonessus)

The AutoNessus tool helps with automating vulnerability scans via the Nessus API. It lists policies and can configure the state of scans.


AutoSploit is short for automatic exploitation. The open source tool helps pentesters and ethical hackers. Read this review on see how it works.


Azazel is a Linux rootkit that uses the LD_PRELOAD technique to intercept system calls. Rootkits are a type of malicious software (malware).


The acccheck tool performs a password guessing and dictionary attack on SMB services used to share files and printers.


Addrwatch is a tool similar to arpwatch to monitor IPv4/IPv6 and ethernet address pairing.

afl (American fuzzy lop)

American fuzzy lop, or afl, is a security-oriented fuzzer. It helps with testing software to find unexpected results within applications.

aiodnsbrute (Async DNS Brute)

Async DNS Brute, or aiodnsbrute, is a security tool to help with resolving many DNS entries and the related discovery.


Aircrack-ng is a security toolkit to perform WiFi auditing. It can be useful for security assessments to test the security of the wireless network.


Airgeddon is a toolkit to perform security assessments of wireless networks. It can perform different types of wireless attacks.

Latest release: 11.31 [Sept. 5, 2024]


Altdns is a security tool to discover subdomains during pentesting. Read this review to learn how it works and how to use it.


Angr is a security tool written in Python to allow analyzing binaries. It provides a combination of static and dynamic analysis.

Latest release: 9.2.123 [Oct. 15, 2024]


Utility like pkg-audit for Arch Linux to find vulnerable packages on the system


arp-scan is a security tool that sends ARP packets to hosts on the local network. Any responses to the requests are displayed.


Arpag is a security tool to perform automatic exploiting of targets. It can be instructed to scan a set of ports and based on the outcome, it will search and active a related exploit.


arping is a tool for the discovery of hosts on a computer network using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Latest release: arping-2.25 [June 29, 2024]
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Recently reviewed

  • Archery (vulnerability assessment and management)
  • Wapiti (vulnerability scanner for web applications)
  • Patator (multi-purpose brute-force tool)
  • BleachBit (system cleaner and privacy tool)
  • OpenSCAP (suite with tools and security data)
  • Lynis (security scanner and compliance auditing tool)
  • BlackBox (store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion)
  • salt-scanner (Linux vulnerability scanner)
  • Infection Monkey (security testing for data centers and networks)
  • Anchore Engine (container analysis and inspection)
  • Zeek (network security monitoring tool)
  • ZAP (web application analysis)
  • Maltrail (malicious traffic detection system)
  • tls-ca-manage
  • Vuls (agentless vulnerability scanner)
  • Cppcheck (static code analyzer)
  • XSStrike (XSS detection and exploitation suite)
  • Decentraleyes (local CDN emulation for privacy)
  • RootHelper (script to retrieve exploitation tools)
  • graudit (static code analysis tool)
  • Suhosin7 (Suhosin security extension for PHP 7.x)
  • gosec (Golang security checker)
  • Bleach (sanitizing library for Django)
  • Malice (VirusTotal clone)
  • siemstress (basic SIEM solution)