XSS Hunter alternatives

Looking for an alternative tool to replace XSS Hunter? During the review of XSS Hunter we looked at other open source tools. Based on their category, tags, and text, these are the ones that have the best match.

Top 3

  1. Damn Small XSS Scanner (cross-site scripting scanner)
  2. XSSER (Cross-site scripting scanner)
  3. XSStrike (XSS detection and exploitation suite)

These tools are ranked as the best alternatives to XSS Hunter.

Alternatives (by score)


Damn Small XSS Scanner (DSXS)



Project details

Damn Small XSS Scanner is written in Python.

Strengths and weaknesses

  • + The source code of this software is available
  • - No releases on GitHub available

Typical usage

  • Penetration testing
  • Web application analysis

Damn Small XSS Scanner review




XXSER helps to get from XSS to Remote Code Execution (RCE). It provides custom tools and payloads integrated with Metasploit's Meterpreter. The goal is to automate as much as possible.

Project details

XSSER is written in Python.

Strengths and weaknesses

  • + The source code of this software is available
  • - Minimal or no documentation available

Typical usage

  • Penetration testing
  • Security assessment
  • Web application analysis

XSSER review




XSStrike is an XSS detection suite with the goal to reduce the false positives to zero. It can achieve this with its own fuzzing engine. The tool also allows generating custom payloads, which is rare within this line of tools.

Project details

XSStrike is written in Python.

Strengths and weaknesses

  • + More than 5000 GitHub stars
  • + Very low number of dependencies
  • + The source code of this software is available

    Typical usage

    • Application fuzzing
    • Web application analysis

    XSStrike review




    The pybelt toolkit may be useful during a pentest to simplify the process of scanning. It includes options like port scanning, dork checking, cracking and verification of hashes, and scanning for SQL injections.

    Project details

    Pybelt is written in Python.

    Strengths and weaknesses

    • + The source code of this software is available

      Pybelt review




      JoomScan could be used to test your Joomla installation or during security assessments. As it has a primary focus on Joomla, it may provide better results than generic vulnerability scanners.

      Project details

      JoomScan is written in Perl.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      • + The source code of this software is available

        Typical usage

        • Vulnerability scanning
        • Vulnerability testing

        JoomScan review




        Tulpar is a vulnerability scanner that can be used to test new or existing web applications. In the former case, it could be helpful to test a new project before it is deployed into production. This could be done by the developer or a security professional. If some web application is already in production, then it might be a good tool to perform regular testing on known vulnerabilities. In this case, it is typically a pentester or security specialist that does the testing.

        Project details

        Tulpar is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - Minimal or no documentation available

        Typical usage

        • Application security
        • Application testing
        • Web application analysis

        Tulpar review




        With WPSeku a WordPress installation can be tested for the presence of security issues. Some examples are cross-site scripting (XSS), sql injection, and local file inclusion. The tool also tests for the presence of default configuration files. These files may reveal version numbers, used themes and plugins.

        Project details

        WPSeku is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - Unknown project license

        Typical usage

        • Penetration testing
        • Security assessment
        • Vulnerability scanning

        WPSeku review


        Admin Page Finder (PHP)


        Admin Page Finder is a tool written in PHP to find admin sections within a website. It can be used during pentesting and security assessments.

        Project details

        Admin Page Finder (PHP) is written in PHP.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - Unknown project license

        Typical usage

        • Penetration testing
        • Reconnaissance

        Admin Page Finder (PHP) review




        DorkNet helps with the discovery of vulnerable web apps. It is a script written in Python that leverages Selenium.

        Project details

        DorkNet is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available

          Typical usage

          • Security assessment
          • Vulnerability scanning
          • Web application analysis

          DorkNet review




          Metagoofil will perform a search in Google based on the given domain name. Any public documents will be downloaded and analyzed. For this task it uses libraries like Hachoir, PdfMiner, and others. Useful details include username, software versions, hostnames, etc.

          File types: pdf, doc, xls, ppt, docx, pptx, xlsx

          Project details

          Metagoofil is written in Python.

          Strengths and weaknesses

          • + The source code of this software is available

            Typical usage

            • Information gathering
            • Penetration testing

            Metagoofil review




            SSLyze provides a library for scanning services that use SSL/TLS for encrypted communications. It can be used to test their implementation.

            Project details


            hsecscan (hsecscan)


            The hsecscan utility is written in Python and opens a connection (via HTTP or HTTPS) to the related web server. It will return all headers found and includes an explanation of what each header does. Any security recommendations are listed as well.

            Project details

            hsecscan is written in Python.

            Strengths and weaknesses

            • + The source code of this software is available

              Typical usage

              • Information gathering
              • Learning
              • Penetration testing
              • Security assessment
              • Web application analysis

              hsecscan review


              shcheck (Security Header Check)


              This simple tool is a good option to test if advised HTTP headers are available on web application and websites. It can be used as a defensive measure during development, or offensive to find weaknesses in existing applications.

              Project details

              shcheck is written in Python.

              Strengths and weaknesses

              • + Very low number of dependencies
              • + The source code of this software is available
              • - No releases on GitHub available

              Typical usage

              • Application security
              • Web application analysis

              shcheck review


              wig (WebApp Information Gatherer)


              Wig is a security tool to discover what particular software is for a web application or website. It can detect several Content Management Systems (CMS) and other administrative applications. This may be useful for those performing reconnaissance or information gathering, like during a penetration test of security assessment.

              Project details

              wig is written in Python.

              Strengths and weaknesses

              • + The source code of this software is available
              • - No updates for a while
              • - Full name of author is unknown

              Typical usage

              • Application fingerprinting
              • Information gathering
              • Reconnaissance
              • Web application analysis

              wig review




              0d1n is useful to perform brute-force login attempts for authentication forms. It can discover useful directory names by using a predefined list of paths. With options to use a random proxy per request and load CSRF tokens, it is a tool that can be used in different type of assignments.

              Project details

              0d1n is written in C.

              Strengths and weaknesses

              • + The source code of this software is available

                Typical usage

                • Information gathering
                • Penetration testing
                • Security assessment
                • Vulnerability scanning

                0d1n review


                Anchore Engine


                Anchore is a tool to help with discovering, analyzing and certifying container images. These images can be stored both on-premises or in the cloud. The tooling is mainly focused on developer so that perform analysis on their container images. Typical actions include running queries, creating reports, or set up policies for a continuous integration and deployment pipeline.

                Project details

                Anchore Engine is written in Python.

                Strengths and weaknesses

                • + More than 10 contributors
                • + Commercial support available
                • + More than 1000 GitHub stars
                • + The source code of this software is available

                  Typical usage

                  • System hardening

                  Anchore Engine review




                  Archery is a tool that helps to collect data about vulnerabilities within an environment. Instead of focusing on the actual scanning, it allows managing findings in a web-based interface. This includes options like reporting, searching, and dashboards. It can interact with other tools, including the well-known vulnerability scanners.

                  Project details

                  Archery is written in Python.

                  Strengths and weaknesses

                  • + More than 500 GitHub stars
                  • + The source code of this software is available

                    Typical usage

                    • Penetration testing
                    • Vulnerability management
                    • Vulnerability scanning
                    • Vulnerability testing

                    Archery review


                    AutoNessus (autonessus)


                    This tool is useful to time scans, for example by having it run outside of business hours, and stop when the day starts.

                    Note: originally another tool was named AutoNessus. That is now Seccubus.

                    Project details

                    AutoNessus is written in Python.

                    Strengths and weaknesses

                    • + The source code of this software is available
                    • - No releases on GitHub available

                    Typical usage

                    • Vulnerability scanning

                    AutoNessus review




                    CMSeeK is a security scanner for content management systems (CMS). It can perform a wide range of functions starting from the detection of the CMS, up to vulnerability scanning. The tool claims to support over 100 different CMS tools, with extensive support for the commonly used ones like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress.

                    The scans performed by CMSeeK include version detection. It can also do enumeration of users, plugins, and themes. This might be useful to see what users or components are available. The tool includes admin page discovery, file discovery, and directory listing. Anything that might be useful to a penetration test or security assessment, might be displayed.

                    Project details

                    CMSeeK is written in Python.

                    Strengths and weaknesses

                    • + The source code of this software is available
                    • - Full name of author is unknown

                    Typical usage

                    • Penetration testing
                    • Software exploitation
                    • Software identification
                    • Vulnerability scanning

                    CMSeeK review




                    The main reasons to use Dagda is the detection of vulnerable or malicious components within your containerized environment.

                    Project details

                    Dagda is written in Python.

                    Strengths and weaknesses

                    • + The source code of this software is available

                      Typical usage

                      • Malware detection
                      • Malware scanning
                      • Vulnerability management
                      • Vulnerability scanning

                      Dagda review


                      Damn Small FI Scanner (DSFS)



                      Project details

                      Damn Small FI Scanner is written in Python.

                      Strengths and weaknesses

                      • + The source code of this software is available

                        Typical usage

                        • Security assessment
                        • Vulnerability scanning

                        Damn Small FI Scanner review


                        Damn Small JS Scanner (DSJS)



                        Project details

                        Damn Small JS Scanner is written in Python.

                        Strengths and weaknesses

                        • + The source code of this software is available

                          Typical usage

                          • Penetration testing
                          • Security assessment

                          Damn Small JS Scanner review




                          The tool uses RBAC (Role Based Access Control) with different levels of access. Jackhammer uses several tools to do dynamic and static code analysis (e.g. for Java, Ruby, Python, and Nodejs). It checks also for vulnerabilities in libraries. Due to its modular architecture, it can use several scanners out of the box, with options to add your own.

                          The Jackhammer project was initially added to GitHub on the 8th of May, 2017.

                          Project details

                          Jackhammer is written in Ruby.

                          Strengths and weaknesses

                          • + The source code of this software is available

                            Typical usage

                            • Collaboration
                            • Information sharing

                            Jackhammer review


                            LFI Suite


                            This tool is a useful addition to the pentesting toolbox of security professionals. It can help discover and exploit any local file inclusion weakness in applications. Upon success, a reverse shell can be used to get access to the system.

                            Project details

                            LFI Suite is written in Python.

                            Strengths and weaknesses

                            • + The source code of this software is available
                            • - Full name of author is unknown

                            Typical usage

                            • Penetration testing
                            • Web application analysis

                            LFI Suite review




                            Lynis is an open-source security auditing tool that is available since 2007 and created by Michael Boelen. Its primary goal is to evaluate the security defenses of systems running Linux or other flavors of Unix. It provides suggestions to install, configure, or correct any security measures.

                            Project details

                            Lynis is written in shell script.

                            Strengths and weaknesses

                            • + The source code is easy to read and understand
                            • + More than 100 contributors
                            • + More than 8000 GitHub stars
                            • + Tool is easy to use
                            • + Available as package (simplified installation)
                            • + Commercial support available
                            • + Used language is shell script
                            • + Very low number of dependencies
                            • + Project is mature (10+ years)
                            • + The source code of this software is available

                              Typical usage

                              • IT audit
                              • Penetration testing
                              • Security assessment
                              • System hardening
                              • Vulnerability scanning

                              Lynis review

                              Some relevant tool missing as an alternative to XSS Hunter? Please contact us with your suggestion.