Certigo alternatives

Looking for an alternative tool to replace Certigo? During the review of Certigo we looked at other open source tools. Based on their category, tags, and text, these are the ones that have the best match.

Top 3

  1. Lemur (certificate management)
  2. sslmerge (SSL certificate chain merging)
  3. tls-ca-manage

These tools are ranked as the best alternatives to Certigo.

Alternatives (by score)




With Lemur you can provide a central portal for developers and administrators to issue TLS certificates with predefined defaults.

Lemur works on CPython 3.5 and uses the Flask framework. Another component it uses is cryptography to handle the creation of the certificates.

Netflix develops on macOS and deploys on Ubuntu servers.

Project details

Lemur is written in Python.

Strengths and weaknesses

  • + More than 500 GitHub stars
  • + The source code of this software is available
  • + Supported by a large company

    Typical usage

    • Certificate management

    Lemur review




    When using SSL Labs, you may have had chain anchor issues when verifying a website or web application. The sslmerge tool helps to merge the domain certificate, intermediate certificate, and root certificates.

    Project details

    sslmerge is written in shell script.

    Strengths and weaknesses

    • + Very low number of dependencies
    • + The source code of this software is available

      Typical usage

      • Certificate management

      sslmerge review




      The tls-ca-manage is a certificate authority management tool written in shell script. It can be used to manage certificates for TLS/SSL configurations.

      Project details

      tls-ca-manage is written in shell script.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      • + Very low number of dependencies
      • - Full name of author is unknown

      Typical usage

      • Certificate management

      tls-ca-manage review




      The primary goal of K8Guard is monitoring the environment. Instead of focusing on availability, K8Guard helps to detect misbehaving resources. These resources could be Deployments, DaemonSets, Ingresses, Jobs/CronJobs, Namespaces, Pods, and ResourceQuotas.

      Project details

      K8Guard is written in Golang.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      • + The source code of this software is available

        Typical usage

        • Event monitoring

        K8Guard review


        USB Canary


        USB Canary is a tool to monitor the addition or removal of USB devices while a computer is locked. This small utility is written in Python and can provide an alert.

        Project details

        USB Canary is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + More than 500 GitHub stars
        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - Full name of author is unknown

        Typical usage

        • Hardware security
        • System monitoring

        USB Canary review




        Similar to arpwatch, this tool addrwatch will monitor the pairing between ethernet and IP addresses.

        Main features:

        • IPv4 and IPv6 address monitoring
        • Monitoring multiple network interfaces with one daemon
        • Monitoring of VLAN tagged (802.1Q) packets
        • Output to stdout, plain text files, syslog, sqlite3, MySQL
        • IP address usage history preserving output and logging

        Project details


        Certificate Transparency


        HTTPS connections use cryptographic functions to provide confidentiality and integrity. It can provide features like domain validation, end-to-end encryption, and a trust chain from certificate authorities down to the end-user. Any flaws can endanger these goals, like the impersonation of a system, man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks, and website spoofing. This project helps to find flaws and improve the overall security of our internet.

        Project details




        The tool is of great assistance to quickly perform a security audit and may be used during penetrating testing, or guiding system administrator for system hardening.

        Project details

        cipherscan is written in Python, shell script.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + Screen output is colored
        • + More than 1000 GitHub stars
        • + Very low number of dependencies
        • + Supported by a large company

          Typical usage

          • Information gathering
          • Security assessment
          • System hardening
          • Web application analysis

          cipherscan review




          Clinker is a tool to test SSL and TLS security for Firefox. It is an addon that shows the used cipher suites, certificates, and shows related security information of the connection itself.

          Requirements: Firefox

          Project details

          Some relevant tool missing as an alternative to Certigo? Please contact us with your suggestion.