USB Canary

LSE toolsLSE toolsUSB Canary (416)USB Canary (416)

Tool and Usage

Project details

Programming language
Latest release
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Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

USB Canary is a tool to monitor the addition or removal of USB devices while a computer is locked. This small utility is written in Python and can provide an alert.

How it works

USB Canary uses pyudev to monitor the addition or removal of devices. Upon an event, it will send out an alert using the specified alerting channel like SMS or Slack.

Usage and audience

USB Canary is commonly used for hardware security or system monitoring. Target users for this tool are general public.


  • Command line interface

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + More than 500 GitHub stars
  • + The source code of this software is available


  • - Full name of author is unknown


Supported operating systems

USB Canary is known to work on Linux.

USB Canary alternatives

Similar tools to USB Canary:



USBGuard is a software framework which allows USB device authorization policies. It defines what kind of USB devices are authorized together with a related policy regarding permissions.



PCILeech is a tool which uses PCIe hardware devices to attack a target system. It can read and write from the system memory by using DMA over PCIe. It requires no drivers on the system of the target itself.



Certigo is a security tool to find information about different types of digital certificates and validate them. It can be used in scripts or manually.

All USB Canary alternatives

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Related tool information


This tool is categorized as a Linux hardware security tool, USB protection tool, and USB security tool.