
LSE toolsLSE toolsTiger (475)Tiger (475)

Tool and Usage

Project details

Programming language
shell script
Dave K. Hess
Dave R. Safford
Douglas Lee Schales
Khalid Warraich
Latest release
3.2.3 []

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

The Tiger tool is used to scan your system and perform a security audit. Tiger checks configuration files and the system state. Based on the findings it will show suggestions to improve the security level of the system.

The Tiger project also states on their project page it can be used as an intrusion detection tool. This promise is somewhat outdated. To be effective in the area of intrusion detection, its technology needs to be kept up-to-date. Still, the tool might find traces that give away a system breach.

How it works

The engine of Tiger is based on small scripts that do individual checks. A typical example of such check is to look for a configuration file and see if its settings are in a preferred state.

Like other tools in this category, Tiger is light on resources. It uses shell script as its core and leverages common system utilities to do the work.

Background information

Tiger was a popular tool to audit systems and originates from work at the Texas A&M University. After 2008 there were not many updates released, showing the project is stalled. For that reason, we suggest using more active projects.

The development of this tool looks to be stalled or stopped.

Usage and audience

Tiger is commonly used for intrusion detection, IT audit, system hardening, or vulnerability scanning. Target users for this tool are security professionals and system administrators.


  • Command line interface

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + Used language is shell script
  • + Project is mature (10+ years)
  • + The source code of this software is available


  • - No updates for a while

Author and Maintainers

Tiger is under development by Dave K. Hess, Dave R. Safford, Douglas Lee Schales, Khalid Warraich.


Supported operating systems

Tiger is known to work on AIX, FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris.

Tiger alternatives

Similar tools to Tiger:



Lynis is a security auditing tool for systems running Linux, macOS, or Unix. It can be used for security assessments and configuration audits.



Otseca is a security tool that helps with gathering system information. It can be useful for penetration tests and security assessments, to automate some parts of the process.



Orthrus is a security framework and auditing tool. It allows monitoring and analyzing security configurations across multiple environments.

All Tiger alternatives

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Related tool information


This tool is categorized as a configuration audit tool and Linux security audit tool.