John the Ripper

LSE toolsLSE toolsJohn the Ripper (493)John the Ripper (493)

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John the Ripper is a mature password cracker to find weak or known passwords. It works on Linux and other flavors of Unix and Microsoft Windows.

John the Ripper alternatives

Similar tools to John the Ripper:


THC Hydra

THC Hydra is a brute-force cracking tool for remote authentication services. It supports many protocols, including telnet, FTP, LDAP, SSH, SNMP, and others.



Patator is a security tool to perform enumeration or brute-force attempts to discover authentication details. It can be used during penetration testing.



Hashcat is a well-known tool to crack passwords. It has advanced features to improve performance, allow session resumption, and more.

All John the Ripper alternatives

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