domain alternatives

Looking for an alternative tool to replace domain? During the review of domain we looked at other open source tools. Based on their category, tags, and text, these are the ones that have the best match.

Top 3

  1. Sublist3r (subdomains enumeration tool)
  2. altdns (subdomain discovery tool)
  3. SubFinder (subdomain scanner)

These tools are ranked as the best alternatives to domain.

Alternatives (by score)




Sublist3r helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting.

Project details

Sublist3r is written in Python.

Strengths and weaknesses

  • + More than 2000 GitHub stars
  • + The source code of this software is available

    Sublist3r review




    Altdns is a security tool to discover subdomains. It generates permutations, alterations, and mutations of subdomains. The generated names can also be tested by performing DNS lookups. An enumeration tool like Altdns is useful during penetrating testing assignments.

    Project details

    altdns is written in Python.

    Strengths and weaknesses

    • + More than 500 GitHub stars
    • + The source code of this software is available

      Typical usage

      • Reconnaissance
      • Subdomain discovery
      • Subdomain enumeration

      altdns review




      SubFinder is a tool to scan domains and discover subdomains. This may be useful during the reconnaissance phase of penetration testing where information is collected. Some subdomains may reveal sensitive data or point to interesting targets such as a backup location.

      Project details

      SubFinder is written in Golang.

      Strengths and weaknesses

      • + Tool is modular and extendable
      • + More than 500 GitHub stars
      • + The source code of this software is available

        Typical usage

        • Discovery of sensitive information
        • Information gathering
        • Penetration testing
        • Reconnaissance
        • Security assessment

        SubFinder review


        RTA (Red Team Arsenal)


        RTA is helpful to automate scanning public resources of a company. As the project name implies, this may be used during red teaming, like a penetration test. That obviously does not limit its use, as it is similarly useful by the blue team.

        With its integration with Nessus and other tools, RTA is more of a toolkit. This can be seen in its functionality, like subdomain enumeration and information gathering capabilities.

        Project details

        RTA is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - No releases on GitHub available

        Typical usage

        • Information gathering
        • Penetration testing
        • Security assessment
        • System enumeration

        RTA review




        SubOver is considered a hostile tool to take over a subdomain. It can be used during pentesting and security assessments to discover unconfigured subdomains.

        Project details

        SubOver is written in Golang.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code is easy to read and understand
        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - No releases on GitHub available

        Typical usage

        • Security assessment

        SubOver review




        This tool can be called a true 'inspector tool' as it helps to discover many types of data.

        • Website information
        • Domain and subdomain information
        • Mail server information and email
        • Phone details
        • IP addresses
        • Detection of used CMS

        Project details

        Th3inspector is written in Perl.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available
        • - No releases on GitHub available

        Typical usage

        • Discovery of sensitive information
        • Information gathering

        Th3inspector review




        The subDomainsBrute tool is one of the tools to perform a scan on a domain to discover subdomains and store the output.

        Project details

        subDomainsBrute is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + More than 500 GitHub stars
        • - Full name of author is unknown
        • - Unknown project license

        subDomainsBrute review




        Fierce is a security tool that helps with DNS reconnaissance. It can locate non-contiguous IP space, but using DNS information.

        Project details

        Fierce is written in Python.

        Strengths and weaknesses

        • + The source code of this software is available

          Typical usage

          • Information gathering
          • Reconnaissance
          • Security assessment

          Fierce review




          Sn1per is security scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities.

          Project details

          Sn1per is written in Python, shell script.

          Strengths and weaknesses

          • + More than 10 contributors
          • + More than 1000 GitHub stars
          • + The source code of this software is available
          • - Unknown project license

          Typical usage

          • Penetration testing
          • Reconnaissance

          Sn1per review


          aiodnsbrute (Async DNS Brute)


          When a project requires resolving or guessing host names, then this tool is a great addition to the toolkit. It focuses on 'fast' by using asynchronous operations. The list of names to try is provided with a wordlist.

          Project details

          aiodnsbrute is written in Python.

          Strengths and weaknesses

          • + Very low number of dependencies
          • + The source code of this software is available

            Typical usage

            • Network scanning
            • Penetration testing

            aiodnsbrute review


            DirSearch (Go)


            DirSearch is a Go implementation of the original dirsearch tool written by Mauro Soria. It is used to discover directories by using common names and guessing (fuzzing).

            Project details

            DirSearch (Go) is written in Golang.

            Strengths and weaknesses

            • + The source code of this software is available

              Typical usage

              • Information gathering
              • Penetration testing
              • Security assessment

              DirSearch (Go) review




              LinEnum is one of the tools that can help with automating penetration tests. It performs a discovery on the environment it runs in and tries finding weaknesses to allow privilege escalation.

              Project details

              LinEnum is written in shell script.

              Strengths and weaknesses

              • + Very low number of dependencies
              • + The source code of this software is available
              • + Well-known tool

                Typical usage

                • Penetration testing
                • Privilege escalation
                • System enumeration

                LinEnum review




                O-Saft is the abbreviation for OWASP SSL advanced forensic tool.

                Project details

                O-Saft is written in Perl.

                Strengths and weaknesses

                • + The source code of this software is available

                  Typical usage

                  • Information gathering
                  • Penetration testing
                  • Security assessment
                  • Vulnerability scanning
                  • Web application analysis

                  O-Saft review




                  The tool has a plugin-based architecture for enumeration purposes of Oracle installations.

                  • Sid enumeration
                  • Passwords tests (common & dictionary)
                  • Enumerate Oracle version
                  • Enumerate account roles
                  • Enumerate account privileges
                  • Enumerate account hashes
                  • Enumerate audit information
                  • Enumerate password policies
                  • Enumerate database links

                  Project details

                  Oscanner is written in Java.

                  Strengths and weaknesses

                  • + The source code of this software is available

                    Oscanner review




                    RootHelper is a small script to retrieve several enumeration and privilege escalation tools. It can be used during penetration testing.

                    Project details

                    RootHelper is written in shell script.

                    Strengths and weaknesses

                    • + Used language is shell script
                    • + The source code of this software is available

                      Typical usage

                      • Penetration testing
                      • Privilege escalation
                      • Security assessment

                      RootHelper review




                      SMBMap allows scanning of file resources that are shared with the SMB protocol. The tool will list share drives, drive permissions, the share contents, upload/download functionality, file name auto-download pattern matching, and even execute remote commands. The tool was created for pentesters to simplify finding sensitive data, or at least test for it.

                      Project details

                      SMBMap is written in Python.

                      Strengths and weaknesses

                      • + The source code of this software is available

                        Typical usage

                        • Data leak detection
                        • Information gathering
                        • Penetration testing

                        SMBMap review


                        SubBrute (subdomain-bruteforcer)


                        SubBrute is a DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records and subdomains. This can be useful during penetration tests and security assessments.

                        Project details

                        SubBrute is written in Python.

                        Strengths and weaknesses

                        • + More than 1000 GitHub stars
                        • + The source code of this software is available
                        • - Full name of author is unknown

                        Typical usage

                        • Information gathering
                        • Penetration testing
                        • Security assessment

                        SubBrute review




                        WhatWeb can be used stealthy and fast to determine what technologies are used on a particular website or web application. This process called fingerprinting can tell a lot about how it was build and possible weaknesses it might have. The tool can be used in different levels, from stealthy to very aggressive. This last one is useful in penetration tests or during development.

                        Project details

                        WhatWeb is written in Ruby.

                        Strengths and weaknesses

                        • + More than 25 contributors
                        • + More than 1000 GitHub stars
                        • + The source code of this software is available

                          Typical usage

                          • Reconnaissance
                          • Web application analysis

                          WhatWeb review




                          Detectem can be a good early vulnerability detection system. By scanning regularly the dependencies of web applications, old versions of tools can be detected and upgraded. This tool is also helpful for penetration tests to find out what kind of software components are used.

                          Project details

                          detectem is written in Python.

                          Strengths and weaknesses

                          • + The source code of this software is available

                            Typical usage

                            • Application security
                            • Application testing
                            • Reconnaissance
                            • Vulnerability scanning

                            detectem review




                            Dirsearch is a tool to guide security professionals to find possible information leaks or sensitive data. It does this by looking for directory and file names.

                            Project details

                            dirsearch is written in Python.

                            Strengths and weaknesses

                            • + More than 10 contributors
                            • + More than 500 GitHub stars
                            • + The source code of this software is available

                              Typical usage

                              • Information gathering
                              • Penetration testing
                              • Security assessment

                              dirsearch review




                              The keimpx security tool can be used to check for valid credentials across a network. It uses the SMB protocol, typically used on Microsoft Windows and others.

                              Project details

                              keimpx is written in Python.

                              Strengths and weaknesses

                              • + The source code of this software is available

                                Typical usage

                                • Penetration testing
                                • Security assessment

                                keimpx review




                                Massh-enum is a user enumeration tool for OpenSSH with the goal to find valid usernames. This can be useful during penetration tests or security assessments. The usernames can be valuable to brute-force or may be used on different locations within a network.

                                Project details

                                massh-enum is written in Python, shell script.

                                Strengths and weaknesses

                                • + The source code is easy to read and understand
                                • + Tool is easy to use
                                • + The source code of this software is available
                                • - Minimal or no documentation available

                                Typical usage

                                • Information gathering
                                • User enumeration

                                massh-enum review




                                Tlsenum is a CLI tool to enumerate TLS protocol and TLS cipher support by a server. The tool lists then the output based on the order of priority. Tlsenum can be used to find the supported protocols and ciphers of a system and determine if it is properly hardened. This information can be useful to system administrators and pentesters doing a security assessment of the system.

                                Project details

                                tlsenum is written in Python.

                                Strengths and weaknesses

                                • + The source code of this software is available

                                  Typical usage

                                  • Information gathering
                                  • Security assessment
                                  • System enumeration
                                  • System hardening

                                  tlsenum review




                                  wafw00f is a security tool to perform fingerprinting on web applications and detect any web application firewall in use.

                                  Project details

                                  wafw00f is written in Python.

                                  Strengths and weaknesses

                                  • + The source code of this software is available

                                    Typical usage

                                    • Application fingerprinting
                                    • Information gathering
                                    • Penetration testing
                                    • Reconnaissance
                                    • Security assessment

                                    wafw00f review




                                    The weblocator security tool performs a discovery search to find directories and files. This can be useful for penetration tests to find sensitive data.

                                    Project details

                                    weblocator is written in Python.

                                    Strengths and weaknesses

                                    • + The source code of this software is available

                                      Typical usage

                                      • Information gathering
                                      • Penetration testing
                                      • Security assessment

                                      weblocator review

                                      Some relevant tool missing as an alternative to domain? Please contact us with your suggestion.