Firewall management tools


Popular firewall management tools

Assimilator (firewall orchestration tool)

network traffic filtering

A tool like Assimilator can be of great help to 'normalize' all firewall rules into one place. Especially when a company uses different firewalls, each with their own syntax and specifics. Assimilator will then simplify the way firewall rules are created and managed.

DFWFW (firewall management for iptables with Docker)

firewall management

DFWFW, short of Docker Firewall Framework, offers easy administration of the iptables rules of Docker containers. It updates using event streams.

FireHOL (firewall config creator and manager)

firewall management, network traffic filtering

FireHOL is promoted as an iptables stateful packet filtering firewall for humans. It also comes with FireQOS, which a bandwidth shaper based on tc.

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