Tool categories
There are 2 tool collections available that cover AWS:
Security tools
The following security tools are linked to AWS and are worth investigating.
- AWSBucketDump (Amazon S3 bucket scanner)
- BuQuikker (find open AWS S3 buckets)
- Bucket Finder (AWS S3 bucket finder)
- Bucket Stream (AWS S3 bucket discovery using CT logs)
- CloudSploit scans (AWS account scanner)
- Confidant (storage of secrets)
- Prowler (AWS benchmark tool)
- S3Scanner (AWS S3 bucket scanner)
- Security Monkey (security monitoring tool)
- Teh S3 Bucketeers (AWS S3 bucket scanner)
- inSp3ctor (AWS S3 bucket and object discovery)
- s3-fuzzer (Amazon S3 bucket scanner)