Tool and Usage
Project details
- Year of inception
- License
- BSD 3-clause
- Programming language
- Python
- Author
- Spencer McIntyre
- Latest release
- 1.0.6
- Latest release date
Project health
Why this tool?
Termineter is a framework written in Python to assist with testing the security of smart meters. It can be used during development or afterward to test supported devices.
How it works
Termineter implements the C1218 and C1219 protocols for communication over an optical interface. Termineter communicates with smart meters via a connection using an ANSI type-2 optical probe with a serial interface.
Usage and audience
Termineter is commonly used for hardware security. Target users for this tool are developers and security professionals.
Example usage and output
______ _ __
/_ __/__ ______ _ (_)__ ___ / /____ ____
/ / / -_) __/ ' \/ / _ \/ -_) __/ -_) __/
/_/ \__/_/ /_/_/_/_/_//_/\__/\__/\__/_/
<[ termineter v1.0.4
<[ model: T-1000
<[ loaded modules: 17
termineter > help
Type help <command> For Information
List Of Available Commands:
back connect help ipy prep_driver protocon resource set use
banner exit info logging previous reload run show version
termineter > version
termineter: v1.0.4
revision: d657d25d97c7
model: T-1000
loaded modules: 17
Tool review and remarks
The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:
- + The source code of this software is available
Supported operating systems
Termineter is known to work on Linux and Microsoft Windows.
Several dependencies are required to use Termineter.
- crcelk
- pyasn1
- pyserial
- smoke-zephyr
Termineter alternatives
Similar tools to Termineter:
Expliot is a framework to perform security testing of IoT infrastructure and IoT devices. Read how it works in this review.
RouterSploit is a framework to test exploitation of embedded devices. It can be used as part of penetrating testing assignments or security assessments.
Btlejack is a security tool that provides all options to sniff, jam, and hijack Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices. Read how it works in this tool review.
This tool page was updated at . Found an improvement? Help the community by submitting an update.
Related tool information
This tool is categorized as a smart meter testing tool.