
LSE top 100LSE top 100osquery (17)osquery (17)

Tool and Usage

Project details

BSD 3-clause
Programming languages
C++, Python
Latest release
Latest release date

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

How it works

The osquery tool collects data from the system and makes them available as a database. By giving it database like queries you can extract data from the system and use that together with other tools.

Usage and audience

osquery is commonly used for compliance testing, information gathering, or security monitoring. Target users for this tool are auditors, pentesters, security professionals, and system administrators.

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + More than 100 contributors
  • + More than 9000 stars
  • + The source code of this software is available
  • + Supported by a large company

Author and Maintainers

Supporting company

This project is maintained by Facebook


Supported operating systems

Osquery is known to work on Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

osquery alternatives

Similar tools to osquery:



Belati is security tool to collect public data and information and calls itself a Swiss army knife for OSINT purposes.



DataSploit is an OSINT framework to perform intelligence gathering about a particular target. Read how it works in this review.


DirSearch (Go)

DirSearch is a scanning tool to find directories and files on web applications. It is a remake of the dirsearch tool that was created by Mauro Soria.

All osquery alternatives

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