
LSE toolsLSE toolsMasscan (193)Masscan (193)

Tool and Usage

Project details

AGPL 3.0
Programming language
Rob Graham
Latest release
Latest release date

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

Masscan can be compared with other tools like Nmap. Due to its focus on high performance, this tool can be used when many systems have to be scanned at once. It can scan all internet hosts on IPv4 within 5 minutes. This impressive statistic makes the tool loved by those that do security research.

How it works

Masscan uses a custom TCP/IP stack to achieve its goal. In fact, you need to make adjustments before using the scanner, to avoid problems with the TCP/IP stack of the system.

Usage and audience

Masscan is commonly used for network scanning. Target users for this tool are pentesters and security professionals.


  • Focus on high performance

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + More than 25 contributors
  • + More than 8000 GitHub stars
  • + The source code of this software is available

Author and Maintainers

Masscan is under development by Rob Graham.


Supported operating systems

Masscan is known to work on FreeBSD, Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS.

Masscan alternatives

Similar tools to Masscan:



QuickScan is a simple port scanning utility with additional abilities like resolving. It has a built-in WHOIS lookups, among other supporting features.



Zenmap is the graphical user interface for the well-known network and vulnerability scanner Nmap. Read how it works in this review.



portSpider is a security tool to scan network ranges and find open ports. The goal of the tool is to find vulnerable services.

All Masscan alternatives

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Related tool information

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This tool is categorized as a internet scanner and network port scanner.