
LSE toolsLSE toolsJoomScan (129)JoomScan (129)

Tool and Usage

Project details

Programming language
Mohammad Reza Espargham
Latest release
Latest release date

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

JoomScan could be used to test your Joomla installation or during security assessments. As it has a primary focus on Joomla, it may provide better results than generic vulnerability scanners.

Background information

JoomScan is one of the projects that fall under the OWASP project.

The project description and documentation is very limited at this moment of reviewing. The quality of vulnerability scanners relies a lot on their documentation and how up-to-date a tool is. At this moment it is too early to tell if this tool gets the right development resources it needs.

We noticed some odd choices when it comes to the version numbering. The FAQ on the OWASP wiki states that the initial version was 0.0.1 and was chosen because many iterations of the tool were to be expected. According to GitHub, version 0.0.1 was released on the 4th of March, 2018. Nine days later a new version was released with 0.0.5.

Usage and audience

JoomScan is commonly used for vulnerability scanning or vulnerability testing. Target users for this tool are security professionals and system administrators.


  • Colored output
  • Command line interface

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + The source code of this software is available

Author and Maintainers

JoomScan is under development by Mohammad Reza Espargham.



Supported operating systems

JoomScan is known to work on Linux.

JoomScan alternatives

Similar tools to JoomScan:



CMSeeK is a security scanner for content management systems (CMS) and used for security assessments. Read how it works in this review.



This plugin-based security tool helps to detect and test for weaknesses in common CMS systems like Drupal, SilverStripe, and WordPress.



Web Application Security Scanner aimed towards helping users evaluate the security of web applications

All JoomScan alternatives

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