Open source intelligence tools


Popular open source intelligence tools

OSINT Framework (collection of OSINT resources)

OSINT research, footprinting, intelligence gathering, reconnaissance

The OSINT framework provides a collection of tools to gather and parse public data. The tool is web-based and makes it easy to find tools for a particular task.

OSRFramework (OSINT framework)

information gathering

This OSINT framework allows combining sources and provide data in different formats (web interface, API, command line).

ThreatPinch Lookup (OSINT tool)

information gathering, threat hunting

ThreatPinch helps to speed up collecting information from common resources like CVE databases or public WHOIS data. As it works from the browser, it is a helpful addition for people who have to perform forensics, security monitoring, or system administration. For example, getting the owner of a domain and IP address becomes almost instant knowledge.

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