Linux static analysis tools


Popular Linux static analysis tools

graudit (static code analysis tool)

code analysis

Analysis of source code helps to find programming flaws including those that can lead to software vulnerabilities. Graudit helps to uncover these by searching through the files and discover possible flaws. The tool supports languages like ASP, C, Perl, PHP, Python, and others.

radare2 (reverse engineering tool and binary analysis)

digital forensics, reverse engineering, software exploitation, troubleshooting

Radare2 is a popular framework to perform reverse engineering on many different file types. It can be used to analyze malware, firmware, or any other type of binary files. Besides reverse engineering, it can be used for forensics on filesystems and do data carving. Tasks can be scripted and support languages like JavaScript, Go, and Python. Even software exploitation is one of the functions it can be used in.

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