
LSE toolsLSE toolsSpamScope (366)SpamScope (366)

Tool and Usage

Project details

Apache License 2.0
Programming language
Fedele Mantuano
Latest release
Latest release date

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

SpamScope can help with the spam detection in email messages. Features that make SpamScope suitable for the job include its focus on performance using parallel and distributed tasks. It is flexible due to its extensions and integrations. Integrations include Apache Tika, VirusTotal, Thug, Shodan, and SpamAssassin. Besides these integrations, the tool can export analyzed data to JSON output.

How it works

SpamScope uses Apache Storm with streamparse to process a stream of emails.

Usage and audience

SpamScope is commonly used for data extraction, data processing, or spam scanning. Target users for this tool are malware analysts, security professionals, and system administrators.


  • JSON output supported
  • Tool allows multiple integrations
  • Web interface

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + Many releases available
  • + The source code of this software is available

Author and Maintainers

SpamScope is under development by Fedele Mantuano.


Supported operating systems

SpamScope is known to work on Linux.

SpamScope alternatives

Similar tools to SpamScope:



Gitmails is a tool that explores git commits and extracts email addresses. This harvesting tool can be used to perform information gathering about individuals and companies. It may be used for penetration tests and security assessments.



Infoga is a tool to gather email information from different public sources (search engines, pgp key servers, etc).



Looking for retrieving information about an organization, domain, IP address, or something else? See how OSINT-SPY might be able to help you with this task.

All SpamScope alternatives

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Related tool information


This tool is categorized as a spam scanner.

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