
LSE toolsLSE toolsjchroot (190)jchroot (190)

Tool and Usage

Project details

Custom license
Programming language
Vincent Bernat
Latest release
Latest release date

Project health

This score is calculated by different factors, like project age, last release date, etc.

Why this tool?

Recent versions of the Linux kernel allow using different namespaces to isolate resources. The first process in each namespace will be PID 1 and the main parent of newly spawned processes. This type of isolation allows for separation of resources. Jchroot can use this to define all kind of specifics for this process. Think of resources like the hostname, the mount points, or any users that are available.

Tool review and remarks

The review and analysis of this project resulted in the following remarks for this security tool:


  • + The source code of this software is available

Author and Maintainers

Jchroot is under development by Vincent Bernat.


Supported operating systems

Jchroot is known to work on Linux.

jchroot alternatives

Similar tools to jchroot:

All jchroot alternatives

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Related tool information


This tool is categorized as a resource isolation tool.

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