
Convert unix time back to human-readable formatApplications may store their time in the unix time format. To convert this back into a format that we can understand, we will use the date utility.Leave out the last part to see the long time format
Format output of mount commandThe mount command output can be messy, as it shows a lot of lines and fields. The goal is gain a nicely formatted table of this output.
Measure TCP handshake and SSL exchange timePerform a test of how much time it takes to perform both the TCP handshake and SSL exchange. The longer it takes, the slower the experience is for the guest connecting to the webserver.
Monitor directory for file changesPerform watching on a directory and show any changes to the directories or files, until we cancel it.Press CTRL+C to stop
Ping sweep with NmapPerform a ping sweep with the Nmap utility.
Remove empty directoriesSome processes leave a lot of empty directories around.Use -print instead of -delete, to first show what has been found
Retry Postfix mail queue deliveryPerform a flush command on the Postfix mail queue, that tells it to forcefully retry sending all queued emails.
Run only Lynis tests from one groupWhile applying system hardening, you may want to perform a quick check if your changes are correct. We tell Lynis just to perform tests from a single group.
Show available Nmap scriptsDisplay all available Nmap script file (NSE) on the system.
Show current unix timeDisplay the time in the unix time format (seconds counted from 1970-01-01).
Show processes with most CPU usageFind the Linux processes that consume the most CPU time.
Simulate latency on network connectionFor testing purposes, we may want to add latency to an interface. This way we could simulate how an application would respond to the extra delay.
Using Nmap to display only the hosts with a specific port openedUsing the grep function of Nmap we can filter out only the hosts that have a particular port opened while ignoring the others.
WordPress vulnerability scan with WPScanPerform a vulnerability scan of a WordPress installation and enumerate plugins